Beth Ann Rocheleau
Lexington County
“The daughter of a veteran and a teacher, kin to farmers, mill workers and clergy, I was raised understanding that each of us has a moral obligation to step up, to do more, to offer others a hand, to go out of our way, and to advocate for and with others. We have a moral obligation to serve, to vote, and to vote for candidates who are committed to values that demand fairness and justice for all. I consider myself obligated to run and to serve. If our elected officials neglect to do the right thing we must replace them with elected officials who will do the right thing. I’ve worn many hats in the for-profit sector and the nonprofit sector and understand the importance of balance sheets, investment, accountability, transparency, education, taxation and law. I’ve been responsible and accountable for multi-million dollar budgets of other people’s money. I know how to do the right thing, work, make evidence-based decisions, and follow a moral compass that points only to what is fair and true.”
“I’ve often been the ONLY ally for LGTBTQ+ people in my community. I’ve stood in solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community at events, protests and celebrations, give to the Harriett Hancock Center, and am part of the Social Action Committee at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia where we “Stand on the Side of Love.”
“Door to door, hand to hand, heart to heart. My campaign strategy includes door-to-door canvassing; post-carding; participating in events as an advocate, an ally, an eager learner; working get-out the vote voter registration events, attending public hearings, using the platform of running for office to reach more people and give voice to more people than was possible as a volunteer; educating voters; and connecting people and organizations with one another. Not a small thing, I am good at modelling how to be an ally, how to cross into other groups and help raise the voices of others, and this small thing seems to have a multiplicative effect. I do the work for my own campaign, but also for other Democrats up and down ballot — Sean Carrigan, Sam Edwards, Diane Summers and James Smith. I consider myself personally responsible to get out the vote for people who will make evidence-based decisions for the good of ALL South Carolinians as a candidate, as chair of my precinct, as part of the Lexington County Democratic Party, and as a volunteer for other campaigns. Fundraising is a critical element of the work and my campaign receives small donations near daily from within the state and from out of state.”
“We have to meet people where they are, and educate them to move toward acceptance and understanding.”
On November 6, send a message to Washigton DC and Columbia that we will not go back. Commit to vote and push South Carolina forward to full equality!
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