Joe Preston
Charleston County
The rights of the LGBTQ+ community are very important to me because of my sister. She has been an out member of the community since high school, and she like all are only looking for equal fundamental rights, nothing more nothing less. The endorsement of this PAC serves to showcase her lifelong struggle for equality with myself as her proxy.
“Conversion therapy” has no place in our society, given the fact that it is simply torture. It is based in pseudoscience, and there is no evidence that supports either its effectiveness or its need. Not to mention there is no cure for “gay” as it is not a mental disorder, etc… I would be a primary co sponsor to outlaw its use permanently.
I am running for this office because it hasn’t been done in 22 years. The incumbent is never challenged, and gets by without having votes or campaign contributions come under any scrutiny by the voters. The incumbent is never held accountable for any of his actions. We are here to hold him accountable. I am uniquely qualified because of my firefighting background and capability for thinking quickly on my feet, having had to do so in the past during extremely stressful situations. Further, I have a background in behavioral management and uniting people from diverse backgrounds around a common cause. This is especially useful in our polarized political environment we currently face.
On November 6, send a message to Washigton DC and Columbia that we will not go back. Commit to vote and push South Carolina forward to full equality!
Join the fight by commiting to VOTE on November 6th to protect our rights in South Carolina.
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