South Carolina lawmakers considering heartbeat abortion bill
An extreme outright abortion ban is set for a hearing this Thursday, and we need your voice to stop it in its tracks.
H.3020 is intended to ban abortion as early as 6 weeks, regardless of women’s needs and circumstances. Passing such a ban in South Carolina poses a serious threat to women’s health, freedom, and dignity. This is a far-reaching bill drafted by extremist politicians whose goal is to eliminate all abortion in South Carolina.
We see what is happening in our sister state, Georgia, and now one of the most restrictive abortion laws is spreading to South Carolina.
Send an email to committee members today and demand they vote NO on H.3020.
At six weeks, most women don’t even know they’re pregnant. Many women seeking abortion face logistical obstacles like finding a provider, securing childcare and transportation, and saving funds to cover all of the costs – all of which create delays, and in some cases, stop women from getting the abortion they want. With a ban so early in pregnancy, some women may find that it’s too late for them to get an abortion – which is exactly the goal of the politicians trying to pass these bills.
Women of color often face additional barriers when it comes to healthcare, and abortion restrictions like H.3020 would only worsen their access to high quality healthcare. Black moms across the US are three and a half times more likely to die in childbirth than white Americans. This is what we should be paying attention to — not taking away access to abortion care when someone needs it.
Forcing a woman to carry a pregnancy to term compounds existing economic hardships and significantly increases the odds of her and her children living in poverty.